So we stopped by a part member family and said we were introducing ourselves to the members and also wondered if we could share an Easter message. They said yes and we set up a time to come back because they were busy. So we went over the next day. They have two little kids. Long story short, we got to know them a little bit. The dad isn't active and he also works on Sunday so he couldn't come to church even if he wanted. The wife is Catholic. We shared a little video about Christ and bore our testimonies and then asked the wife if we could teach her the missionary discussions. Her husband said she could learn more if she wanted.
So she said yes! WOOO! It seems like she was maybe just being nice, but we will see :) The Elders said that was a huge improvement and they have never been able to get in with them. So that was one new investigator there.
Another day we were knocking the same doors as usual and came across one we hadn't gotten to yet. We got a little lost trying to find it, but we eventually got there. We knocked on the door and the wife of the guy we were trying to find, opened the door. We explained who we were and that her husband had talked to missionaries before and we would like to share more of our message. She said her husband was taking care of their new born so she just talked to us and said we could come back this week. We told her about church and gave her a Book of Mormon. She gave us her number so we can set up another appointment for this week. YES! New investigator number two.
The last new investigator is one of our ward missionaries’ friends. They recently moved into the retirement homes in our area. They are awesome! They have come out with us a few times. But they have a friend that isn't in our area, but will be moving into the same retirement place soon. So they brought him to the Easter Pageant and he loved it! So we are teaching him tonight at ward missionaries’ home. New investigator number three :)
So hopefully these investigators pan out well! We are really excited about them. We also stopped at another lady who was in the area book and she said she is super busy and travels a lot, but that we could come back in a few weeks when she gets home. So maybe we will have another new investigator in a few weeks too. :)
We worked at the Easter Pageant again this week and we were also able to stay because the ward missionaries brought their friend. So we got to watch it and it was really good! It was a production of Christ's life and the spirit was super, SUPER strong. It was amazing. The man we had there said he could just really feel it and it touched him!
We also are going to start practicing our lessons on a family in the ward who has an inactive son that lives at home. We asked them if we could practice on them and the parents said yes. We had dinner at their house one evening, and the son was really standoffish at first but eventually seemed to warm up to us. So when we came to ask if we could practice on them, their son came out when he saw us. So the dad told him that we didn't have many people to teach so we want to practice on their family. So I jumped in and said, "You're going to be there too right!?" He said yes :) So hopefully we can get the spirit to touch his heart and he can return to the church.
So hopefully these investigators pan out well! We are really excited about them. We also stopped at another lady who was in the area book and she said she is super busy and travels a lot, but that we could come back in a few weeks when she gets home. So maybe we will have another new investigator in a few weeks too. :)
We worked at the Easter Pageant again this week and we were also able to stay because the ward missionaries brought their friend. So we got to watch it and it was really good! It was a production of Christ's life and the spirit was super, SUPER strong. It was amazing. The man we had there said he could just really feel it and it touched him!
We also are going to start practicing our lessons on a family in the ward who has an inactive son that lives at home. We asked them if we could practice on them and the parents said yes. We had dinner at their house one evening, and the son was really standoffish at first but eventually seemed to warm up to us. So when we came to ask if we could practice on them, their son came out when he saw us. So the dad told him that we didn't have many people to teach so we want to practice on their family. So I jumped in and said, "You're going to be there too right!?" He said yes :) So hopefully we can get the spirit to touch his heart and he can return to the church.
We had a pretty good Easter! My companion and I opened our packages together in the morning. We also had a fun Easter present and woke up to terrible colds. The other sisters in our house had gotten super sick and had terrible colds and we tried our best not to get them, but we did. So we both thought our heads were going to explode and my nose was rubbed raw from blowing it so dang much. But it's all good. Church was really good and then we went to a member’s home for dinner. They have a daughter that is leaving to Mexico in 10 days and they also have 2 other missionaries out! Crazy. They were super nice and we had some fun there. We then went to another house and had cake and ice cream there because it was a guy’s birthday.
SO, let me back up. These 2 guys are from China and they are going to helicopter school here in Arizona. One of the guys found a Chinese Book of Mormon in LA at the airport just lying in a corner but had no idea what it was. Then later while they were flying in their helicopter, the other guy saw the church steeple and felt impressed to go there. So they have been coming to church faithfully ever since October! They are definitely converted, but they can't be baptized because of the government stand in China. The company they signed with has a contract with them until they are 60 years old! If the company finds out they were baptized, it would be detrimental to their lives. So, we pray that either the government will change its stance, or the company will so that they can eventually be baptized in China. They will both be going home here in the next couple months. But they are awesome. We shared an Easter message and also played spoons as a little celebration.
SO, let me back up. These 2 guys are from China and they are going to helicopter school here in Arizona. One of the guys found a Chinese Book of Mormon in LA at the airport just lying in a corner but had no idea what it was. Then later while they were flying in their helicopter, the other guy saw the church steeple and felt impressed to go there. So they have been coming to church faithfully ever since October! They are definitely converted, but they can't be baptized because of the government stand in China. The company they signed with has a contract with them until they are 60 years old! If the company finds out they were baptized, it would be detrimental to their lives. So, we pray that either the government will change its stance, or the company will so that they can eventually be baptized in China. They will both be going home here in the next couple months. But they are awesome. We shared an Easter message and also played spoons as a little celebration.
Also, one of the members here used to be in the mission presidency when I first got here, but then he was called to be a Stake President in the YSA stake so he no longer is. But he knows a lot about mission stuff because of it and he is super, super nice. I love their family. So that was really fun! My companion and I also got blessings from him and another member in the ward (who is beyond hilarious by the way) to help us get better quickly. So that was really nice. It was a good boost.
So some fun things this week for sure! We are starting to kind of get into the groove of things so that is nice. I finished that missionary book and it is super good. I still encourage all of you to read it as a family! Members are definitely the key to missionary work!
Anyway I hope you all had a lovely Easter and remembered the true meaning of Easter! I know that Christ lives and he loves us. I know that through the Atonement we can always become better. I'm trying to use it every day to become the person that He wants me to become. I know that without Christ, we wouldn't be able to do anything and I am so grateful that he died for me, but more importantly, that he LIVES for me. Because of him I will get to live after this life as well. No failure or end is ever final because of him. I love you all! Have a great week!

So some fun things this week for sure! We are starting to kind of get into the groove of things so that is nice. I finished that missionary book and it is super good. I still encourage all of you to read it as a family! Members are definitely the key to missionary work!
Anyway I hope you all had a lovely Easter and remembered the true meaning of Easter! I know that Christ lives and he loves us. I know that through the Atonement we can always become better. I'm trying to use it every day to become the person that He wants me to become. I know that without Christ, we wouldn't be able to do anything and I am so grateful that he died for me, but more importantly, that he LIVES for me. Because of him I will get to live after this life as well. No failure or end is ever final because of him. I love you all! Have a great week!
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