This week was filled with tons of preparation and meetings. We had MLC lastweek to help us know what we need to train our zone on. However, then thisweek we had Zone Conference, so President and the assistants came down andtrained on basically the same thing. THEN we had zone meeting on Wednesday,which is when the zone leaders and sister training leaders train on thosethings we learned at MLC. So basically we had to make a tentative plan withthe zone leaders of what we would do, and then wait till after zoneconference to finalize those plans and make our trainings so that wewouldn't say the same things. However, this MLC was really vague and mostlyon us rededicating ourselves to the purpose of our missions and why we cameout here. So, we could take it a couple of different ways. They alsofocused on how we are in a battle. We are at war with the adversary and wehave to stand up for truth and righteousness. So we spent a lot of time onthe phone with the zone leaders trying to get everything figured out. Wecame up with a fun activity about saving people who are "down" around usand how it's not enough just to be a missionary, but that we have to beworthy and obedient to be able to teach with power. It's not just enough tohave the authority. It went pretty well. We did things a little bitdifferent this time, instead of all of us taking a chunk of time andtraining on part of it, we all stood up there together and just all taughtat the same time. It was pretty good I think. I was a little worriedbecause there was zero structure to it when we got there. Our zone leadersjust wanted to give general topics and we all talk about them, so I feltlike we were flying by the seat of our pants! haha but we got a few thingsorganized and us sisters had some quotes and scriptures prepared so weshared our thoughts with eachother, made a little outline, and then wentfor it! It all worked out.
This week was kind of a downer at some points because we had quit a fewpeople that we dropped/they also agreed they weren't ready or interested.That is always a bummer, but hopefully we planted some good seeds andsomeday they will come around.
We had a good example of that this week actually! So when I was with SisterW (2 companions ago), we found a part member family. The wife isn't a memberand the husband is a RM but married a non member and the ward and hisfamily offended him and he fell away. Well, the wife has taken lessons onlineyears ago and was looking into it. So we would drop by every once in awhile and share little messages and once we taught the Plan of Salvationand she said she would pray about it and see if that is the direction thatwould be best for her family. Well after conference we texted her to see ifshe watched it and to see how it went and she said she wasn't wanting thatfor her family at this time. So bummer...BUT this week, out of the blue,she texted us and asked us if we could start coming back over! WOOHOO! Sowe went over and talked to her and she was pretty upset because her husbandwasn't all that good with us coming back. He said it was good, but once shereally jumped on it and had us come over, he wasn't too excited. So shetold him she was going to do it without him because she knows this is thedirection she needs to pursue. So we are going to start teaching herregularly and hopefully the ward will get involved and it will softenher husband's heart and help him see that not every ward is like the one he wasin and that isn't what it is about anyway. She is so awesome and it is socool to see how she had a seed planted years ago, we found them and it grewa little bit, and then finally now she is ready to pursue what she feelsmight be right! MIRACLES! It was the best.
One of our investigator's smoked again so he fell off date. He is really
struggling with stopping and he just doesn't understand some things still.
It takes a lot for him to understand. But we are definitely making progress!
He is starting to come to more activities and he is now eating with the branch
on a few occasions. (He always refused to eat because he felt like he was
showing a sign of weakness....weird). We had a YSA Thanksgiving dinner on
Saturday night though and it was SO good! We had 10 non members come!
That is also a miracle! Hopefully they all come back another time too!
Good job YSA! We met all of them and just were present so people could
see us and such :) It was really good.
We also had our little investigator's baptism this week! He was SO nervous, but he did sogood! He is seriously so adorable. He just doesn't do well with crowds. Heis a completely different person at home than he is at church or something.He won't even talk to us at church, but at home he is so funny and cute!So that was really fun :) I love their family.
We are teaching a new guy. His wife died a while ago and he hadto pull the plug on the machines so he is very sad about that. We haveawesome fellowshippers for him...which is also a miracle. An older couplecalled us and said they were snowbirds and love working with missionariesand would come to lessons with us all the time! I wish everyone was likethat! haha. So that went well. We touched on the Plan of Salvation andespecially the Atonement :)
Lastly, we got a list of part member families and started visiting them. Sofar all of them said we would be able to come back sometime. Some of themmight have just been being nice and didn't want to say no, but a few ofthem gave us their number :) So hopefully those pan out well!
My companion and I sang at yet another baptism this week...PresidentT was there too so that was terrifying. OH! And I saw Sis W
(my companion 2 times ago) this week! She came to church with her
fiance this week! They are so in's kind of disgusting ;) haha just kidding.
they are so cute and she looks so happy. So that was fun, and also kind of weird :)haha!
Anyway it was an awesome week! My thought this week is to just notice andrecognize the little miracles in your life! There are so many and sometimeswe get caught up in the things that are hard or monotonous and we don'tnotice God's hand in our lives :) Focus on that this week! Maybe keep agratitude journal or something! Love you all! Have a great Thanksgiving!