Ay, Mujer, that would be a phrase from my companion...look it up.
I can't believe it is already November! There must be something aboutNovember though because it brought cooler weather! It was the weirdestthing because it was in the 90's on Halloween and then the next day itdropped down into the 60's and today it was in the 50's so far. Fall/winteris finally coming!
We did the usual things we always do this week. A bunch of lessons withpeople that we are trying to get progressing and lessons with those whohave baptismal dates!
On Wednesday we got a new investigator with a baptismal date! He is nine years old and he has been afraid of the water. He is so so shy and hardly talks,
but he opened up during the lesson. Well, his family has been less active for
a while until they moved to Arizona right before I got here. The 9 year old son
wants to work toward baptism so we taught him about the Gospel of Jesus
Christ this week and what it means to be baptizedand things like that. He is SO cute. We used little footprint steps toteach about the things that we do to reach Christ. Well, I was trying toteach repentance so I asked if he had ever done something that his mom toldhim not to. He looked at her and then at me and had a horrified look on hisface; then while shaking his head vigorously he said "no." So I looked at his momexpecting her to be like, "oh ya right," but no, she says, "no really, he'sa really good boy! OH! Actually there is that one time when you were six(keep in mind that he is 9) and you watched TV when we told you not to? Youwent to your room and thought about it and then you said sorry." Then shewent on to say that they had no idea how to handle that situtaion when ithad happened because he had never disobeyed before! Are you kidding me!?What an angel child. So that was funny. Then later I was teaching about theHoly Ghost and how when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, he becomesyour companion. So I was using chapstick and took off the cap. Well when you dogood things the Holy Ghost can come touch you, but it can't stay with you(because you can touch it but then it falls), but when you have the gift heis always with you (so you put the cap on). Well when I snapped the cap on,he had this look of amazement and said, "Woah! So the Holy Ghost will justsnap into me?" haha. Such a fun lesson. But he is really smart because weasked him why he wanted to be baptized at the end and he talked about howhe wanted to follow the commandments and do what Jesus did and stuff likethat. When we were leaving we asked him what he wanted to learn about nexttime and asked if he wanted to learn about how the church was started. Hisresponse, "Oh ya! I've been wondering how it was started!" It was awesome.So he is afraid of the water, but they are going to work on that with himand hopefully he is ready by November 22. His grandparents will be therethat weekend so they are aiming for that day. So that is exciting and willbe fun to teach him!
We visited one of our other investigators this week and it seriously is so cool to see the small progress we are making with her. She read from the Book of Mormon! We had her read in 3 Nephi about when Christ comes and those are the chapters that you can compare to the chapters in Matthew.I think it really helped her realize that they teach the same things and help each other. She said she was thinking about reading it from the beginning too so I hope she does :) She will be out of town for a few weeks so we won't see her for a while :/ But I have been so blessed to see the spirit slowly work on her and help her be more open to things.
On Halloween we had to go inside early and wouldn't have much time toproselyte because we also set up for the wedding that day! It was a reallynice wedding too! We could not have done it without help though. A sister from the ward helped us so much! She thought of everything and made sure everything ran smooth. So anyway, we made cookies for our investigators
and members and delivered them on Halloween. We forgot to buy plates
to deliver them on though..BUT I usually save boxesand things that you wrap for me under my bed until I get transferredbecause you never know when you will need them. SO! I used the cellophanethat I had to wrap some of the cookies and used the toole to make a cutebow. Then Sister R used her art skills and made some cute tags. (Sheis going into art education at school so it was really easy for her to whipthose out). When we ran out of cellophane we used tissue paper and they alllooked really cute and nice. So it worked out! So thanks for thosesupplies! It must have been inspiration to keep them ;)
We also had to be in by 5 Halloween night so we ate pizza and watched littlemissionary movies while we wrote letters and relaxed. It was fun but notvery exciting! haha. One of our converts brought us some candy though. She was dressed up as a banana on her way to a singles dance. haha She's sofun.:)
We were able to have another lesson with one of our investigator's finally. She has been busy I guess but she still remembers the good feelings of peace that she had when we came and taught her. She was talking about that and started crying and saying that missionaries were an answer to her prayers. She just needs to get Sundays off so she can come to church! She is so sweet and we have another lesson with her tonight.
The wedding was awesome! We had it in the relief society room,then had a lunch in the gym, and then had the baptism! I spoke and led themusic at the baptism. Our convert was really nervous, but she did so good. Shehad to tuck her arm up and she said she felt no pain at all when she wasbeing baptized so that was definitely a blessing because I was worriedabout that. She was nervous to bear her testimony but she did awesome andsaid she felt so amamzing. It all went so good but we were so exhaustedafter it all! We sat down afterward and just wanted to crash. It was crazyhow much energy it took! I didn't realize it until we were done though.
We also had stake conference this weekend so our new convert will be confirmed nextweek. We sang in the choir with the young single adult branch during theSaturday night session. On Sunday they had a broadcast from Salt Lake forall the stakes! I had never seen that before. It was like a minigeneral conference just for us. It was super cool. ElderChristofferson and Elder Uchtdorf spoke as well as a few others. It wassuper good! It was focused a lot on temples and how we need to live up toour covenants to help raise a righteous family and become like Christ.
We also got transfer calls late last night....Hermana R will beleaving and going back to a Spanish area and I will be staying. HermanaG lives in our apartment and she will also be leaving. Hermana J will be training so she is a little nervous for that but she will do awesome. So we will be getting two new roommates ;)
I just want to share one of the thoughts that I loved from StakeConference. A lady from our ward spoke and she talkedabout what our purpose in life is. She spoke about how we are living inunchartered waters in these last days because in every other dispensation,the earth has been cleansed when the world was this wicked. But we have tolive through the wickedness and share the gospel and stand up for what isright because that isn't going to happen now. Our purpose is to build upthe kingdom of God and do His will. She said, "Our mortal lives are basedon being instruments in God's hands." She went on to say that anything elsewe do in our life is just a vehicle to do that one job. The job we have,where we go to school, etc, all those things are just vehicles to help usbecome associated with other people and help them come closer to Christ.Those things are only important in the eternal perspective because theyhelp put us where God needs us to be in order to help build up the kingdom.I thought that was so cool! As members of the church, we realize thatthings in this life are temporary and that they are just a necessary partof life in order to live, learn, and grow. However, more importantly, theyare important because they CAN help us be instruments in God's hands if wedo our part. :)
Anyway I hope you have a great week! :) Love you all. Thanks for yoursupport and all you do for me.
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