So we have been knocking on this lady's door whenever we have time and I had never met her until this week! We finally got in and she is the sweetest little old lady EVER. I love her so much! She is from Lebanon and once she got here her family left her. She didn't know English and just learned from watching TV. She just got back from heart surgery the day we got in with her. She LOVES us and loves when we visit because she is SO lonely. So we called the relief society and told them to get on it. She isn't a member but will let anyone from the church in because she trusts us. She kept saying we are true people. Plus, she is religious and knows the bible well. She can't read in English very well though so she can't read the Book of Mormon in English. That makes it a little harder for us! Anyway she would talk to us for hours if she could. She said she likes me and can understand me a little better than some people. So apparently I have an "accent" that she can understand a little better. She is SO CUTE.
Anyway so our golden investigator, who was supposed to be baptized last week, but didn't come to church so she couldn't...How sad. ANYWAY we texted her and she said she needed some time and didn't know if she wanted to "study" with us anymore. We were quite sad but decided to just give her some time and hopefully she would come around again. She is a little stressed right now so we just let her be and let her know that we will always be there for her.
We do have a new investigator though! This guy kept walking into church in another building. It was actually the sisters that we live with that realized he lives in our area so they referred him to us. Long story short, he's got a lot of knowledge and he's analyzes everything. We had some members come out with us; I love this family so much too :) They treat us so well! They fed us lunch and then took us to the appointment and helped us teach. It went pretty well I think.
This week we got to have our temple trip for the transfer! We went to the Mesa temple and it was awesome! I got to see a bunch of people from my MTC district. My MTC companion was there!!! I have missed her so much! We got to sit and talk in the celestial room and it was really awesome to see her and catch up with her! Anyway it was awesome to go to the temple. I loved it.
So we went to our appointment to see another investigator too! She wasn't answering the door or her phone so we went and sat down trying to figure out what to do and right before we gave up, we went and knocked one more time and as we were walking away, the door opened! So we were able to go in and teach her the Restoration in more detail because we briefly touched on it the week before when we were able to get in with her. She is awesome. We set up another appointment for this week as well! She was really receptive and she said the prayer at the end so that was really good! Sister K. ended up getting really sick that day because she is gluten free and had eaten wheat in the meals the day before. The people didn't know I guess and basically everything had wheat in it so she was feeling pretty sick. Then the other sisters came home because one of them wasn't feeling well either. So Sister W. and I went on exchanges! We left the sick ones home and went out together. It was SO fun!!! We went to the young women's in one of her wards and talked about missions and stuff and then we went and stopped by our golden investigator's house. Her boyfriend opened the door and she had already gone to bed. I was so nervous since we hadn't talked to her since she had basically dropped us. But her boyfriend made a comment about how she had said we were coming by that weekend, so that confused me. But he was acting normal and we were able to really talk to him and invite him to have lessons with us as well. So it was really good that we stopped there.
The next day we had a lot of meetings and such. Sister K. and I went to the mission office and had an interview with a man who is helping with the iPads. We went and made a TON of suggestions of how things could be better/easier and what they can better do/fix. He probably hated us because of how many suggestions we had ;) haha It was really good though. That night we decided to stop in and see our golden investigator again. We were SO nervous but we knocked and she let us in and acted almost normal. She hinted at wanting to prepare to be baptized on January 1st. So that's good. However, she still isn't quit herself and she didn't come to church this week again :/ But hopefully things turn out for the best! She is SO prepared, but she's kinda not letting herself be, so that's really sad/hard. Starting that night, it started POURING rain. There were huge puddles in the parking lot and it was really coming down, so us four that live together, went out and played in it/had a huge water fight! It was SO fun! haha it doesn't rain often here so we enjoyed it while it lasted. However, we woke up the next day, and it was STILL raining. It has rained for 3-4 days straight!!!! That is NOT normal and it's freezing! I was not prepared for it. We got SOAKED riding our bikes around!
This week I got a bunch of letters that had been sitting at the mission home for weeks! I got 7 letters. Sooooo if I haven't written you back, it's probably because I just barely got it. haha my zone leaders were so jealous that I had so many letters. Anyway I'm running out of time so I won't have time to say everything else I wanted to...but one night we visited an older woman. She is a recent convert and is preparing to go to the temple. She has two more temple prep classes and then she is set. She was really lonely and we went and visited her and in her prayer when we left, she expressed thanks to God that he knows her so well and that when she was really lonely and at her lowest, he sent us to visit her and raise her spirits. It was so awesome to hear and to know that we really are answers to peoples prayers sometimes.
On Sunday our Bishop invited two families to church and they both came! Another member picked our male investigator up too! So we had 6 non members there and it was awesome!!! We introduced ourselves to the families we didn't know and one of them told us we'd have to come over and "harass" them sometime. Little do they know, we really will and we won't stop until they ask us to! ;) After church we had some really good ward correlations with both of our wards. The members are really starting to step up and help us/go out with us and find us people to teach. We then went to dinner at member's home and our male investigator. He also brought his girlfriend. That was really good. However we had to leave early and go to our second dinner! We went with our recent convert to our assistant ward mission leader's home. We had a BLAST there. We talked about spiritual things and had dinner, and then we played a game called Farkle. It was SO fun! It got a little intense and riled up and we were all laughing and having a fabulous time. However, not that I think about it, I'm pretty sure playing games is breaking a I better double check and not do that again. haha but since we were with our recent convert, it was alright because she needed that quality time with us and someone to be there for her in her time of struggle. So that was good and she had a really good time as well. Then the assistant ward mission leader showed us a cool object lesson. I know it sounds impossible, but he put one toothpick in the salt shaker, balanced another toothpick on the first toothpick, and then balanced two forks on the second toothpick! Crazy right? So it's hard to explain, but I'll send a picture of it too! It was awesome. Anyway I got to go! Have a good week!
Playing in the rain.....
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