SO, what a crazy, crazy week. It doesn't really feel like we accomplished much because a lot of our appointments fell through, and hardly anybody answered their doors. I'm sure a lot of people were gone for Thanksgiving though. Anyway, on Monday we had exchanges! The sister training leaders came out with us. So I stayed in our area and my companion went to the Spanish area. I didn't even get lost at all while we went around! haha it was great. We got 19 OYM's (street contacts) that night, which is super good for me! We found one woman at a bus stop and she just started crying when we talked to her, and we ended up teaching a lesson on the side of the road; she was really excited and gave us her phone number and was so ready to meet with us. She lives at a halfway house and so wanted to meet us at the church. We had appointments with her this week, but they fell through... It was a good experience though because I'm not very good at OYMs! But since that day, I've been a LOT better. I learned a lot from my training leader. She has been out for 16 months so she knows what she's doing.
We also taught a homeless guy this week
too! He
loved us! We were with the other sisters who live with us as well, on
the way home from district meeting. We stopped at a gas station for some
hot chocolate because it was "cold" (aka like 50 degrees or so) ;)
Anyway we taught him so much stuff and ended up giving him a Book of
Mormon; he wanted us all to sign it in the back. He called us twice
this week to check up on us, and he wanted to come to church but
something came up. He promised to come next week though! He was such a
sweet man and said he considers us his "adopted daughters." So that was
super fun and cool. We were definitely supposed to be there to help him
through a hard day! He has quite a weird situation that would take WAY
too long to explain.
Anyway Thanksgiving was good! We went and visited a member family. I love that family so it was
awesome to hang out with them for a few hours. We then went to the ward mission leader's home from one our wards to eat. She is a caterer. Need I say more? haha no I love them so much and
they are like family basically.They take good care of us.They invited us
over for Christmas too! But we had to leave dinner early because we had
a zone activity. Guess what we got to do!? We got to wear sweats, bring
desserts, and watch WRECK IT RALPH!!! SO FUN. It was such a blast!
Definitely the highlight of the whole day. It was awesome. All in all,
it was a good Thanksgiving, although it didn't really feel like
Thanksgiving because I wasn't with family, and it's not super cold. So
it was weird, yet good.
So Friday we had some weird, awkward situations. First of all, a
funny one. My companion fell off her bike. It was super funny. She
was getting off and just fell over and landed on top of her bike. We
were right outside a members home and he came running
out asking if she was ok. She was fine, but it gave us quite the laugh
for the rest of the day. Brother C. is so nice! He bought us
Jamba Juices twice. We teach a couple at their home and this family has really been fellowshipping this couple. It has helped SO much.
We couldn't do it without them. So we taught this couple and it was
super weird. It was like our third lesson and we thought about teaching
the law of chastity because they live together. We also taught scripture
study, prayer, and going to church.. Well we ended up feeling like we
shouldn't do the law of chastity so we didn't. But during the lesson, the guy dropped the F bomb! We were all so shocked and didn't know what to
say. It was SO awkward. Brother C was eating lunch and basically spit it
across the table cause he was so shocked! haha. Then this guy kept
making some weird inuendos that just made things awkward. Anyway that
lesson was a train wreck in those ways but it gave us something to laugh
about later! That night we went back to the same member families home to help set up their
Christmas tree because they invited their non member neighbor. So we
left a spiritual message there too. It was a super fun day.
So yet again, I'm still not happy about the piano thing....Guess
who has to play the piano at the Christmas Conference in front of our
WHOLE mission? Oh To make matters worse, I have to accompany a
few people playing violins!!!!!! Yes, I'm stressed out. We can't
practice during proselyting hours....soooooooo ya I'm SO nervous. I
broke out in a cold sweat right when they asked me. So ya, still not
appreciating the fact that I play the piano because I am SO not good and
haven't practiced in a LONG time!
So last but not least, we got transfer calls last night!!!!
The President called us. So one sister from the other companionship is leaving and second half
training; my companion is staying and training again. I am inter-zoning and
second half training (aka I'm not going to be in my same wards, but I'll
be in the same zone. The weird part is that I'm also going to be living
in the same apartment). And last, the other sister is staying. SOOO the
only logical explanation is that she and I are going to be
companions in her area, and my companion is getting a new missionary fresh from
the MTC. The zone leaders called this morning and confirmed that they
think that is what's happening so to start moving rooms and stuff and
pay attention to how everything is done since we are both so new. My new companion was at the MTC with me, just in another zone. WEIRD!!! I'm
super sad to be leaving my wards.. I was just starting to know my way
around and to make some good relationships with the ward members! So I'm
really sad and it'll be really weird to hear about our investigators
and ward members from my current still since she is staying. But It'll be
nice that I already know my new companion fairly well! But, that's about
it for this week.
To answer some questions you've had:
Yes I get along with my district. There WAS two sets of Elders and
two sets of Sisters, but that could change now. There are three districts in our zone, but again, that
will probably change. They might split our zone. At zone conference we
just have talks and go over stats and do "greenie" meeting/training. I
don't really like it that much, but it has to be done. I do like my zone
leaders though. One of them is finished in three weeks though. So he'll
be home right in time for Christmas! Anyway, transfer meeting is on
Wednesday so we'll all find out for sure where we are going and who are
companions are that day! I'm excited and little sad at the same time!
But I'm super glad I"m on a mission. It still doesn't really feel real.
But I know that I'm supposed to be here and that wherever the Lord puts
me, it's for a reason. Either for me to help someone, or for me to learn
from other people. I miss you all, especially around these holiday
seasons!!! Love you! Have a good week!
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The police catching bad guys |
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