Monday, January 27, 2014

Summer Lovin

So it is really starting to warm up here. It still gets a little chilly at night, so that's a pain because then I have to pack my coat around with me all day, but during the day it gets up to the 80s! And its only January! How insane.I'm gonna die in the summer. More like ridiculous! Anyway it was another good week! Last Monday, Sister A took us shopping as usual. Let me tell ya, she is quite the crack up. She was telling us that she was getting so frustrated with her phone and that it had problems. But then she says, "I just LOVE getting frustrated some times! I makes me feel so ALIVE!" Keep in mind, this woman is the cutest 90 year old you will ever meet. She had some adorable little slipper shoes that the soles had worn out. SO this woman decides to cut the the toes off of flip flops and glue the bottoms to her shoes. Brilliant. haha she makes us so happy. She also has been knitting and crocheting dish rags. She asked if we needed some for our apartment so she went home and brought over a huge bag. She said since we are special we could each take two and that she had this huge bag so that they could get handed out at her funeral! She said we could take two since she was also not planning on dying anytime soon so she has time to make more. Isn't she just adorable!? 

We also took J. to singles ward that night. He has a daughter and he wants to stay in our ward, but he also needs to meet some good young people so he has friends with good standards. However, it is such an awkward bunch! He said he felt like he was back in fifth grade, but that it was good to meet some more people. His words, "Ya I'm definitely not looking for a wife here. Do you guys have some sort of online dating site? Ya, I think I'll stick to that." haha so that was really interesting. But he is progressing really well and hopefully is still on track to get baptized this week! We haven't been able to meet with him lately so we might have to push it back a week so he is better prepared. But he asked us last night where he is getting baptized and stuff. He is so adorable and has changed SO much! We are so happy for the spirit in his life and that he is willing to make so many changes. We even had to leave him a little early during church and he still went to all the meetings and texted us later and told us how much he enjoyed it, as usual. 

Also we have a new district leader!He has been in our district since the beginning of my mission. I may have already said this, but I just love him to death. We had THE best district meeting I have ever had and it really motivated us instead of making us feel like we don't do enough. He is SO great.He is so adorable. 

 We had a bit of a rough day this last week :( One of our investigators dropped us:(She was supposed to get baptized on Saturday and we did a special fast for her to get her answer and things were just against us (Satan was working hard) and she said she didn't get her answer and is done taking the lessons but that she will continue to pray and read and hopefully someday she will get her answer through doing those things. Her Fiance told us that she promised to always go to church with him and read together every night, and that's more than he got out of his first wife that he married in the temple. So he doesn't push her but hopefully through those things she will come to the knowledge of the truth. We are still invited to the wedding on Friday though and we will still talk to her and leave spiritual messages and stuff. 

 So now that we are no longer taking a training hour, we have two hours in the morning that are really hard to fill because NO one really answers their doors and no one is really outside. So one day we felt we should go to an old folks home. By the way, it is THE nicest old folks home I have ever been too. Even nicer than some hotels! Anyway we felt like we should see some of the women there. One of them is on the third floor. I had no idea that the third floor was different cause I have never been up there....Sister W looked at me when the receptionist told us one of the ladies was on the third floor. Then we got in the elevator and Sis W just says, "uh oh, THAT'S THE INSANE ASYLUM!" So we get to the top and someone meets us at the door. They LOCK you in. They have do a combination in order to let us in and out. CREEPY. We walk in and all these old people are just sitting in chairs, ALL DAY, in the same room. So they pointed out the lady we were looking for and we visited her. The poor woman has bumps(like huge warts)all over her body and one of her ears is huge and sags way,way down. It's so sad. But she was ecstatic to see us! She kept almost crying and saying that we were a huge blessing and that God always knew when she needed help the most. We were so happy we went to see her. It was so cool to be able to help her and know that we were there just when she needed us to be. She wants us to come back every week. And there were some crazy people up there, but I guess for her we can suck it up and keep going ;) Just kidding, it wasn't really that bad, but still kinda creepy to think about being locked up in there! 

We visited another lady that we felt inspired to at the old folks home, but she was only in the assisted living part. But her testimony was really starting to weaken because she didn't quite understand the kingdoms of glory. She said it was a little pebble in her way and she was really worked up about it! We had never met her before but she explained things to us and we were able to teach her about it and to clear up her worries. She felt so relieved. In her prayer she expressed that it was really a crucial point for her and she was thankful that God sent us to clear up her worries. HOW AWESOME! We were truly inspired to be there and God led us to the certain people he wanted us to see that day.

 Also this week we ran into a homeless guy that we have talked to a few times. We passed him and felt like we needed to go back and talk to him again. He really needed us it turns out. However he is SO crazy. He is an alcoholic and is always hammered when we see him and then all he can ever say is "I'm a bad man. I can never change, etc" no matter how much we teach him or tell him, he always says the same thing. But that also might be that he is so drunk that he can never remember what we tell him too. But that was also cool cause he really needed someone to talk too and we were able to teach him more about Christ and the atonement and then we all said a prayer together. We ran into him another day and basically did the same thing too. He just needs good influences I guess. 

 We also have spent a lot of time with an inactive lady. Long story short, she has had a rough life and is getting kicked out of her home. We got her a blessing from two awesome guys in our ward and I think it really helped her because they also just talked to her for quite a while. They are getting some men gathered up to help her take everything to storage on Tuesday. We also stayed after the blessing and helped her pack up some of her things for as long as we could. We've been doing quite a bit of service this last week, so that's good. 

 One of the best things about this week is that one of our investigators did get baptized! He is the one who finally got first presidency approval to be baptized. His baptism was super powerful and there were so many people there that we had to hold it in the chapel and everyone had to stand for the ordinance squished into the room to watch. Our mission president baptized him and it was pretty cool to see two huge men just sit there and cry together. Super powerful. 

We also got a referral from a less active. She wants us to teach her friend. He is Jewish. We taught him about Christ and kind of cleared up some differences that we have in our religions. He was really receptive and wanted us to teach him more too. So hopefully that pans out well. Plus the less active is also going through a hard time in her life and wants us to go back just to visit her when he isn't there as well. She said she felt a sense of peace from the spirit the minute we came into her house. That's really cool, because I guess we don't really notice the power missionaries can have because we around it all the time. Just seems normal. I'm going to be really sad when I don't have that any longer. It'll be really weird. 

 One of the best parts about my week was Sunday! We had a guy come to church with his son!We have tried to get this man to church since the beginning of the first transfer with Sis W. He finally came! I think he liked it too :) He only stayed for sacrament because his son was a little hesitant for primary (he's 10). So he said he'll break the ice slowly but they would maybe like to try it again sometime! WOOO! Then we left to the patriarchal blessing for the convert from my first area. It was so awesome.She had us missionaries there because she obviously didn't have family there.We are her family :)It was SO powerful! She is going to be such a powerful impact and tool for God's children. It was so long and it just shows that she is going to accomplish some amazing things. I am so proud of her! 
She is such a strong girl. 

I've come to the conclusion that watching your investigators learn and grow is kind of like watching your child grow and learn. I feel so proud of them! It's amazing to watch their growth and you just love them all so much. So I feel like I'm watching my children grow up and learn to do things on their own. :) Probably not the same as mother hood, but as close as I'll get for now :) Kind of cool. But ya, it was a super good week! Loved it all :) Hopefully we get some solid investigators pretty soon cause we are kind of in a little slump right now. But we have a lot of people who could be promising soon! :) I love being a missionary. It is THE best :) I know that I'm doing what I need to be and I just want everyone to know the truth of what we speak :) This is God's only and true church. Have a good week!

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