Sunday, October 26, 2014

Investigators Galore!!!

We have had an insanely busy week with meetings and tons of teachingappointments. We are seriously being so blessed right now. We have a lot ofinvestigators, and we just keep getting more. It's like they are just beingplaced right in our laps. I'm not sure how committed all of them are, butwe are so blessed and just trying our best to take care of everyone thatGod has given us.
Last week we had a fun zone activity on Monday. We were supposed to have azone breakfast for lunch and then play games. Haha, it was insane. The zoneleaders were in charge, and we each brought different food items. However,they didn't bring any pans or anything like that so we couldn't cook halfthe food because the church didn't have any! Haha! they improvised thoughand were able to make it work. It was quite the sight to see. They are sofunny and unprepared, yet somehow things always work out! So we had a funtime eating and playing games.
We had interviews this week with President T. It went really well. Ihad to do trainings on both Tuesday and Wednesday, so it was a littlescattered trying to get everything prepared for both of those days, but Ithink they went ok. We also got to watch Meet the Mormons! It was so good!I cried..uh I tried so hard to keep it together, but couldn't help it. Itwas really good, and I think it will help people understand what we reallybelieve or why we do the things we do. Take a friend to it! It was funbecause we popped popcorn and got to watch it with President and SisterT.
We taught "B" and "K" this week and they are doing good. However, theywon't be getting baptized on the 25th anymore. "B" works at a hospitaland it is breast cancer awareness month so she is working insane hours. Soshe won't be able to come to church and they just don't feel prepared. Theywant to be able to come to church more and be more comfortable before theyget baptized. They will no doubt be baptized, we just aren't sure when."K" said the other day, "If I get baptized now, it will be so muchbetter for my future family because I will be able to raise them with thesethings from the beginning." She is so cute and even talks about going on amission. She truly is amazing. I love them.
We also taught "H" this week. This is the first time she has ever had areal missionary discussion. We took a member with us and she wasn't reallyhappy about that. She wants this to be personal so she doesn't really openup about how she really feels when there are others there. To make it evenworse, there were people there waiting for institute...There was a guynamed "M", who is a member, and a guy named "G", who is not. He hadbrought his friend to institute the week before and he liked it, so hebrought him again. They wanted to sit in on the lesson for "G" so he couldsee what it was like. Talk about a rough situation for us. We had to teachthis guy who knew absolutely nothing and at the same time, teach "H" whopretty much already knows everything. It was so crazy. "H" didn't reallyenjoy it so we made it up to her later in the week by just having a lessonwith us. She did like that one and she opened up a lot! She is so amazing.We also were able to set up a return appointment with "G". We taught himlater in the week and he remembered almost nothing that we had talked aboutlast time. So we had to reteach the Restoration. He seems really nice andinterested though. He accepted a baptismal date to work towards in Novemberso that is good!
More investigators continued to fall into our laps this week. The "S"'sare former investigators that are friends with the some members, the "W"s. Apparently the "S"s
they had some huge fallout with the lessons and decided they didn't want to bebaptized anymore and it was a really crazy ordeal. Well they called Sister"W" and said they feel that they need to take the discussions again. So wehad dinner at the "W"s and the "S"s came over. We were able to talkabout the Restoration and ask them if they really were ready to takediscussions and work towards baptism again. They said they were and thatthey would be coming to church that week as well. It went really good andthey seemed really sweet! So hopefully we can help them prepare to makethat step and things will go better this time!
"L" is doing well spiritually...however, on Saturday she was going tocome to a baptism with us, but texted us a couple hours before it startedand said she was in the hospital. She fell off the back of the quad andbroke her shoulder! She also passed out on Sunday and had to go to thehospital again...So we are hoping that everything is ok with her and thatshe will have a speedy recovery. So who knows if the wedding and baptism isstill on. She was super bummed she couldn't come to church and the baptismthough. She is so awesome. But on the bright side, everything is comingtogether really well for her wedding and baptism! She got her dress and aring pillow. We have someone making a cake for her and someone else is going 
to do some simple decorations! "P" also got his tux in the mailthis week, so it's all coming together really nicely! We are excited andhopefully "L" will be ok and we can still have everything go as scheduled.
I "performed" at two baptisms this weekend. I played the piano for SisterG and another girl. They sang "Come Unto Christ." I then sang withSister G at the other baptism. We sang "Nearer My God To Thee."So that was the bulk of our Saturday. Then we also had a movie nighton Saturday and watched, "The Mountain of the Lord." Not very many peoplecame, but a few did. "G" from the YSA came too.
We also had another really good dinner with the "S"s. They were theones that I pretty much invited ourselves over for dinner a while ago. Theyfed us again and we were basically able to teach the Restoration reallycasually and just throughout the conversation. So they didn't feelthreatened or pushed or anything. It went SO good! Better than I hadexpected! I really like them and hopefully these seeds we are planting willgrow someday.
We got a new bishop in the family ward this week so that will be a bigchange. We will hopefully be able to meet with him and get him up to speedon all that is going on. So we will see how all that goes!
So I just wanted to share a little thought that I learned from church thisweek. We were talking about the Isaiah chapters. In Isaiah 52:7 it says,"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth goodtidings that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, thatpublisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"
So we talked about what this verse means. We came to discuss that it meansmissionary work and spreading the gospel. Then we talked about why they usefeet. Feet require symbolizes moving forward and doingsomething. We then talked about how everyone has feet, so we all need toshare the gospel. We need to get up and do something to help spread thegood tidings of the gospel and preach salvation so that we can help thosearound us come closer to Christ.
I really liked that and it put a whole new meaning to that verse for me. Ilove the scriptures and have gained so many new insights in them as I readthem.
Anyway the gospel is true! Have a good week and don't forget to read yourscriptures :)

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