Sunday, October 26, 2014

No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop The Work

This week has been really good. We have had a lot of teaching appointments again!So this week we saw "P" and apparently he had an awesome experience atGeneral Conference last week! He said that during one of the talks he justfelt like he needs to get baptized on the day that we had extended to him originallyinstead of waiting until December! :) Woo! So he is on date for November29. We know he has a few word of wisdom issues so we will have to workthrough those soon.
We were able to meet with our new bishop this week. Haha, we jumped on himright after he was called. So we were able to go over things with him. Heis retired so he will have a lot more time to get to know the recentconverts and be able to help them so we are excited about that.
We also went on exchanges this week. We will have to go on exchanges twicesince I'm the only STL. So this week Hermana G came with me. Wehad a good time. We were able to talk about things she had been feelingrecently and focus on what she felt she needed help with most. We were ableto teach "L". We talked about the Sabbath Day and also "The Law of Chastity".They were all for it, obviously, since they are getting married. :) Speaking of which, 
they are sooo excited for their wedding! "P" thought that they should maybe post 
pone it but "L" said "NO WAY." But at that point we were worried how it was 
going to work because we didn't know if she would have to have a cast or surgery and how that would interfere with the baptism since you can't get a cast wet...but the cool thing is that bothSister R and I had fasted that everything would be ok and thebaptism would still go through, and she found out later in the week thatshe doesn't have to have a cast OR surgery! They just have to let it healon its own and then if it doesn't heal correctly, THEN they have to dosurgery. The power of fasting and prayer is so real! So that was soawesome. What a miracle. The wedding is getting all ready though. We have alady that will decorate and then another lady who will make the cake!"L" and "P" got their clothes and a bunch of other random things that youneed for weddings so we almost have everything in place! They are so cute.She posted on facebook today, "Just 13 more days until our big day!" haha.
"H" is also doing super good! We have had a few more lessons with herthis week. She loves object lessons, so we did a fun "footsteps" lessonfor the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Faith, repentance, baptism, etc) We have agood time with her. She knows so much so it is interesting to her teach herand hear what she has learned her whole life. The other day she said a lotof this isn't weird to her because she grew up with a lot of theprinciples, but just didn't have the full truth. She texted us on Saturdayat 11 and said, "One week to the hour!" So she is obviously really excitedtoo :) She came to the branch for the first time ever! She usually works onSundays, but that day she didn't have to work till later so she was able tocome for part of it. But another miracle happened, she got work off onSundays! That was the last Sunday she will have to work at that job :)
We also saw "B" and "K" and they picked their own date to getbaptized! They want to be baptized in early December so we picked December6. They believe everything but just need to make the commitment and makethe time for all the things that come along with being a member of thechurch. They are just amazing people though. We will be going to thePhoenix Temple open house with them this week :) "B" is going to makesure she gets out of work so we can go. She was a little hesitant to makethat commitment because of work, but when she found out what day we weregoing, she said we are going for sure! Apparently, that is the day hergrandfather passed away so she wanted to make sure she went to the templethat day. She is so awesome and we are really excited to go through thetemple with them. :)
"G" is also doing well. He got excited about his baptism because hissister is supposed to be in town that weekend. What a special moment thatwill be for him! He is pretty forgetful so we have to remind him of thingsso hopefully these things stick with him. He has a really strong faith inChrist though so it's really awesome to see that. It's amazing to see howpeople's faith in Christ can grow even stronger when they have the fullnessof the Gospel!
I also played at another baptism this week for Hermana G and T to sing 
"Come Unto Christ." So that was good. "L" was able tocome watch the baptism too so that worked out really well. We will have tofigure some special way to baptized her since she can't really move who knows what we will do yet! haha.
We had a super fun Sunday this week though! We were finally able to stayfor all of  our home ward because we didn't have a branch meeting right in themiddle of church. But after church we went straight to the Branch. We bothspoke in the branch today. I was asked to speak on Joseph Smith and HermanaR spoke on missionary work. It went well but it's so weird to talkto such a small group of people. It is so tiny. We are also going to besinging in stake conference as a YSA Branch so that will be lovely. hahathey make us join them too. Then we ran to dinner and went straight to theMission President's Devotional right after that! We took "P" and thereweren't any sisters that could drive us, so we had to just get a ton ofguys to take us. (You just have to have odd numbers so it's not like adouble date and such). So we took our branch mission leader, the branch clerk, and RM/Sunday School Teacher, and of course "P". It was super fun! It was so weird to ride up with all of them butit was a blast. It's fun to work with them! Our driver accidentally parked inthe wrong parking garage and it was pouring walked throughthe rain and were just drenched when we got there. haha it's hilariousbecause the parking garage that we normally park in, is right next to theinstitute building. Ridiculous.
So ya, it was a great week! We had tons of fun and are working to get newinvestigators! We have 6 people on date currently, which is so awesome!I've never had that in my whole mission. So we are hoping we are living upto the blessings that we are receiving.
My thought for the week...I read in 2 Nephi 7:10-11. It says, "Who is amongyou that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, thatwalketh in darkness and hath no light? Behold all ye that kindle fire, thatcompass yourselves about with sparks, walk in the light of your fire and inthe sparks which ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand..." Ilove that because to me it is saying that if we follow the prophets that wewill find light. (Of course we know that Christ is the light of the world,so we will be following Christ is we follow the prophets). Then I thoughtthat a fire could be compared to our testimonies and the sparks, are allthe little experiences that we have, that make up our testimonies. So weneed to continually feed the fire of our testimony by adding more sparks.We need to compass ourselves about with the light that we have and hang onto it. So we need to hang on to our testimonies and if we do this, God willbe there for us! Then it made me think of this quote from Elder Andersonstalk this conference about Joseph Smith. "With faith and real intent, yourtestimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith [or whatever else you want to insertthere] will strengthen. The constant water balloon volleys from thesidelines may occasionally get you wet, but they need never, neverextinguish your burning fire of faith." SO there might be people out therewho try to make you doubt what you know, or who try to throw water on yourtestimony, but as long as we keep strengthening our fires, we don't have toworry about it going out. I love that! It was a cool little insight for methis week but I'm not sure if it made sense when I wrote it all down.Regardless, I liked it :) Thanks for all the love and support! Have anawesome week :)

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